Our Hiring Process

Stage 2
1st Round
Stage 3
2nd Round
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 1


Once we've received your application, a member of our team will review it. 
Stage 2

1st Round

In our first interview, our focus will be getting to know each other.

We'll want to tell you more about Aptem, how we work, and to discuss some of the ways you could contribute. We'll also want to learn more about your skills and experience, as well as going over a few technical questions.

We strongly see interviews as a conversation, and you'll have ample opportunity to ask questions. We're just as keen to tell you about us, as we are to learn about you!
Stage 3

2nd Round

Your second interview will be a longer video call, with a wider group of the Aptem Technology team. We're excited to learn more about you, and your experiences and perspectives!

We'll be going into more technical depth with coding and design exercises, and we'll be discussing process and practice in the field of software engineering, including things like leadership, team working, and agile processes.

As with our first interview, the format will be based around a conversation, and you're strongly encouraged to ask questions, and understand more about Aptem and what we do as part of the process!
Stage 4


We will move forward to offer stage if you are the candidate we feel would be the best fit for the role and our team. We'll issue you with an offer of employment and agree your compensation package and start date. 
Stage 5


The exciting bit when we can welcome you to MWS! We'll provide you with joining instructions and your onboarding plan and can't wait to have you join us.